Drawing "Spiritual" Interest (Selected Scripture)

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A Life Well Spent  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  31:13
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Principles regarding how we use our money for the Lord.

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Good to be here today. Good to see. I'm glad that you are here and ask. He said we will have the dinner on the grounds next Sunday after after church. So be sure that you invite someone to come with you next Sunday and we will have that. And of course I will be getting that meal up. Thanksgiving meal. For John's friend who lost her husband. And so what we'll be doing that we need to be doing some things that we can in the community to reach out and touch other people. That's what we need to do. And so and so we will do that. Well today we want to continue in our series a life. Well spent. And we've been talkin about sewing and stewardship and sacrifice and giving and generosity. And I want to continue on that theme today. If you remember last week, we talked about three things that we learned about God, how he owns everything and three things that we learn about man in our passage from Chronicles last week, what I want to do today, Is I want us to consider three principles. Regarding how we use our money for the Lord.

And so, if you remember this definition of stewardship in the title, today's message is drawing spiritual interest. And principles regarding how we used our money for the Lord. So as a steward, and that's what we are. And let's look at our definition for Steward stewardship is the act of organizing your life so that God can stand you. So that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to get Place ourselves in a position where God will use us as far as giving tithing stewardship. And so, what I want to show you today is I want to give you three principles that we have to keep. In the front of our heart, in mind, if we're going to be the giver's that God wants us to be. Now, we're not going to these principles. I'm going to give you or not some principles that I just came up with myself. All three of these come straight out of the word of God. Now, we don't have a certain passage today to study. This is more about the topical message. So we're going to look at several scriptures. But these principles, I believe are given to us in order to guide our giving and to guide our stewardship. So let's keep these in mind when we think about giving. So we have three principles. Let's go ahead and start with the first one point. Number one, It is what I call the principle of Prior consecration. The principle of Prior, consecration. Now, giving our resources to God. Is simply. A reflection of the fact that we have already given ourselves to him. In other words, those of us here today, if you're saved and you are a Christian, you've already consecrated yourself in that word consecrated, just means to dedicate. You've already dedicated yourself to the Lord for his purposes and it's only natural. That because of that, the part of a the our financial resources, we would also offer that to him. That's just a part of being consecrated to the Lord. So you think of it like this, this principle of Prior consecration, we have dedicated ourselves to the Lord and because of that, we know that that means that he owns everything we talked about that last week and that even means our finances. So the highest most noble calling of any Christian is their commitment to Christ. And when we do that, Financial stewardship is just a natural outgrowth of are consecration sacrificial. Given is a reflex response. If you want to look at it like that, to the one who loves us into the one who gave his son to die for us. It's just a natural response. So this principle recognizes that God owns everything. Now we talked about that last week that the Lord owns it all. So, what I want to do is I want to give you some more scripture to back this up. Let's look at Romans, 14:8 and look what the Bible says here. For if we live, we live to the Lord. And if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die. We are the Lord's. He owns us. If you're on Earth and you're breathing, like we are today, you alive. He owns your body when you die. And your spirit goes to heaven, guess who owns your spirit. He does, whether you live or whether you die. God owns us. He owns it all. Well, if he owns it all. Kind of says this principle of Prior consecration that we've given him our life. And if he owns it all all the aspects, different aspects of our life. We give him that as well. Look, at Ezekiel 18 for what this says. This is the Lord speaking behold. All Souls are mine. All Souls are my the soul of the father as well as the soul. The sun is mine too. So who said she'll die? All Souls are mine. And then look at 1st Corinthians 6:20. For you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's. You see God owns the body God on the spirit and we were bought with the prop. What was the price Jesus death on the cross. That's what brought us our Salvation. He owns up, he owns the body, he owns the spirit. What does that not go against popular culture today? Especially those who say

It's my body. I do what I want to my body. Is that true? Is it your body know? It's not, you don't own your body, God on it. Also, those are mine is what he said you were bought with a price. So the principle of Prior consecration, the Lord on us. He created us. He paid for our souls with his own body. We do not belong to ourselves, but to God, everything we have yes, he has and friends when we give an offering, when we give a tie It reflects the fact that we have already given ourselves to him. I think about that. It reflects. The fact, when I give my money to the Lord, when I give my tithes were offering it reflects the fact that I have previously given myself to him because I'm saying I'm a Child of God. My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, been sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. He's coming back and he's going to get me and take me home, I've dedicated my life to him and because of that, every aspect of my life is dedicated to him. Why? Because he owns at all, including my soul and my body, the principle of Prior consecration to offer. Got a gift Without offering him ourselves is shallow spirituality. Now, there's people that's on say that can get money, they can do that. But that shallow Christianity because they've never offered themselves to God but yet they're going to Fork out a few dollars here. It's okay, I'll give to the church maybe you know God has blessed me things like that. That shallow Christianity. God wants you first and then he wants to see are you going to use your money in a way that glorifies me the principle of Prior consecration? Remember that? We give him ourselves first and then everything else is next. And so Remember in the New Testament what Jesus said about if you going to come up to the Altar and give a gift. And he says, you have something against somebody. He says you leave that gift and you go and do what you go and make it right with that person. Before you give that offering. Write make peace with my listen carefully. God is not so much interested in are giving him our money. He doesn't need our money. What he wants is he wants us to give him ourselves. He don't want us to be rich or poor. He wants us to be wholly, that's what he want. And if you have something against somebody, he said don't even give me that offer. I don't want that, aren't you? Go make it, right? And then you come back and you give the offering, then he's anxious to make us. Holy not to collect our money. And sometimes I see these guys on TV, these preachers to just want both of you to send them money here and there and do this. And by this prayer cloth and by this holy water and all like that, I just cringe. Because when we give Stewardship and giving tithing is a spiritual Act. We are, we are being we're doing something spiritual. When we give God, our money, it is a high and holy calling because it's a reflection of our spiritual State rather than we're bargaining with God, will God, I'll give you this. If you do this for me, people don't think of it that way, but when we take up our offering, it is a moment in time where we get to show God that we love him and it is a high, holy spiritual calling to be able to give back to God. It is a holy thing to give money to the Lord. And so to give a gift without giving oneself is just violating the spiritual nature of giving He wants us to be faithful and stewardship. Not because he needs the money, but because if we are faithful, it reveals what's in our hearts and what we do with our money is a barometer of our spirituality. And I've had people tell me before, well, I don't know what I believe about tithing, I don't know if anybody ought to give a give a offering or give a tithe or anything like that. I don't know what to believe. Well let me tell you, I can tell you what you believe and I can tell you how to find out what you believe. All you need to do is go home and read a book yourself, reach your own thing. You're doing, you tell me to go home read my Bible? No, I don't want that book. You go home and read your checkbook. That would that will tell you what's important to you. Not the good book, go home and read your check book. That will tell what's most important in your life and so there's a direct relationship between what a man does spiritually and what he does financially, you know that really there's only two times, some people walk down the aisle at the church, you know? When it is to get saved and Usher's come Salvation and finances. There's a direct link, a direct link. What we do with our money reveals, what is important in our lives. So the first principle is the principle of Prior, consecration. You give yourself to the Lord first and buy the byproduct of that. Is he controls and he owns everything and we also give him our time. Talents are gifts and yes, our finances, the principle of Prior consecration number two in, this one is so important. The principle of proper motivation. I've had people tell me before, look, you keep talking about these people in the Old Testament tithe in the attend of their percent, but they had to get because they were under the law. And God told them, they probably had to drag half of them Kicking and Screaming into the temple just to bring their money. Well, I'm sure they were some people who didn't want to give back then. I'm sure that's true that they were kicking and screaming. Just like there's people that don't want to give today. But one thing that I've learned, when I studied the scripture on finances it's simply this God is interested more in. Why we give them what we give He's interested more in our motivation, then he is our actual giving that. Let me show you what I mean by that. 2nd Corinthians 9 verse 7, W it. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, so that's been called Grace. Giving if you going to give to the church, instead of somebody saying, what you got to get 10% when I'm on a purpose in my heart, what I'm going to give that's Grace, get Let each one give as he purposes in his heart. Not grudgingly or of necessity for God, loves a cheerful Giver. What is he saying? Whatever you going to give if its 10% or more, don't give grudgingly. In other words, when the pike comes by, guys, don't hold your hand on the plate, and then your wife have to pry your fingers off of it. So it'll fall in. Don't give grudgingly don't sit there and think I could use this money to make an extra house payment car and something's going to break down in the house. I could use this money. No, don't give grudgingly. And don't give out of necessity. Okay, well, the Bible tells me to give so I'm going to give I don't want to give, but it's necessary that I give no, don't don't don't let that be your motivation, don't let, I'm going to get it because a preacher says, all to give 10% and he probably goes back looks at the books and see what everybody gets. Well I don't I don't know what anybody gives not. If I don't know what I did, hardly, I think they just nosy and I don't look at it. I think I know what I can but I don't know. Don't give across the preacher said to give, don't give grudgingly, don't give out of necessity. Gloves or what cheerful Giver, he loves people who want to give back to him because of what he's done for us. He doesn't want us to come to the offering loaded down with guilt. He don't want us to give reluctantly, or grudgingly, or out of a sense of obligation. Well, I'm a member, I just got off to give, so I'm just going to give. No, that's not what he wants. He wants our giving to be kind of a spontaneous response of a loving heart toward him, doing it cheerfully and willingly out of a gratitude and love for him. That's why he wants us to give. That's the attitude we should have. And every time I study especially the Old Testament and look at verses about about giving I find that God loves people who give willingly and cheerfully look at some of them. Exodus 25 to I watch this. Speak to the children of Israel that they bring me an offering from everyone who gives it w willingly, with his heart willingly, with his heart, you shall take my offer, he want people to give willingly out of a heart of love for him. Look at First Chronicles, 29. Then, the people Rejoice will, why did they were Joyce for they had offered how willingly friends I'm telling you. If you will give to God you're fully and willingly with a sincere heart, it will bring joy to your life. Look what he says, people rejoiced, when they had offered willingly because with a white heart loyal heart, they had offered willingly, there it is again to the Lord and look it over King, David, Hira George greatly to Because he offered willingly with a loyal heart, this is what the Lord wants these. People were excited about being part of God's work and they gave out of joy and gratitude willingly and God gave them Joy because of that. Now,

We just looked at 2nd Corinthians 9:7. I want to look at that verse again, but I'm going to use the Amplified version. Not the new King James, Amplified version. It will give several synonyms for every important, Greek or Hebrew word. I want you to look at this verse in the Amplified version, what it says cuz it kind of flesh, is it out? Let each one give, as he has made up his own mind and purpose in his heart. That's what Paul said, not reluctantly or sorry fully or under compulsion for God, loves. What does that mean that he loved? He takes pleasure in prizes above other, things unwilling to abandon or to do without a cheerful and joyous prop to do it. Give her whose heart is in his giving All right. Just think about what that verse is saying. Purpose in your heart, not reluctantly, not unwillingly sorrowfully, not because I have to but because I want to because of what Christ has done for me and I'm going to be joyous and I'm going to be cheerful and I'm going to do it and I'm going to do it with all of my heart a loyal heart. That's what the Bible is saying. So when we come to the offering, we ought to be excited because we have an opportunity to take part in God's, great plan, a plan that expresses our love for him. And we give him our gifts in offering because of what he's done. On our behalf. Certainly what he's done. We could do no less than to give him an offer. Amen. We could do no less than that. And I want to say a Christian doesn't give to the church or to the budget or even to the needs of the congregation. A Christian gives to the Lord. and that ought to excite him if Jesus were to walk in here right now, Meaning of us, if we knew and we would fall down at his feet and I'll probably take off my watch out of here. Take this, I can take my billfold out here, you take this, you own it all, it's all yours. And people say, well, if he would come in our service, I do that to a friend's. He's in every service. Anyway, when the offering is taken, we give with the same motivation and with the same attitude of love and Thanksgiving as if he comes strolling down, this aisle right here, because he's in here anyway, so, the principle of Prior consecration, And this is so important, the principle of proper motivation. It is just so important that we have the proper motivation when we give and there's something wrong with our relationships. Jesus said, before you give you go make that, right? And when you give, don't give a cuz you have to don't give because you're pressured to. Don't give me. Cuz you think I'm going to give you this or that you give because you're excited about what I've done for you. Because you loved me you take pleasure in me and you give out of the abundance of that. That's what Jesus says and we need to remember that when we give because sometimes it's just hard to write that check when I'm looking at my bill. It's hard to think about the prior. Consecrate is hard to think about the proper motivation when I owe all these bills, one more to go. We'll finish number 3, The principle of personal. Responsibility. Now, here's what I mean, on that, if you go back and I didn't put these scriptures up here, but if you go back and read 1st Corinthians 15 in that chapter, Paul deals, with the resurrection of Jesus. And that's of course, it's what sets the Christian faith. Apart from any other religion, we have a savior who came out of the grave and we're going to resurrect this way. I'll simply because of the kids Resurrection. And at the end of that chapter, Paul talks about that, we ought to give our life to the Lord knowing that our labor is not in vain, but you know how he starts chapter 16, the First Corinthians. He starts out by saying now concerning the collection of the Saints. He talks about a deep theological subject, the resurrection. And then he goes right to giving money. You said, well, why would he do that? Because he understood the importance. So important giving any linked it. To our response to Jesus's resurrection. He linked giving with the resurrection, that's why he says in 1st Corinthians 16:2. Right here, look what he says on the first day of the week. Now remember what we're talkin about here is the principle of personal The principle of personal responsibility on the first day of the week, let each one of you that's personal, Let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he, or she may Prosper that. There be no collection when I come let the individuals lay aside some money so that when I come, you don't have to say to the church. All right Church, let's take up offered. No Paul didn't see it. That way. He saw the church. As made up of individuals now, that, that is in Port, he reveals here, who is responsible for supporting God's work, who is it? The church? No individuals. Individuals are the church will not be held responsible for his giving. Sunday school class is more to be held responsible families. Our governments won't the bible teach is the principle of personal responsibility individuals. Individual here will be asked to give an account. Of their finances. When we stand before the Lord in judgment, you're not going to stand there when you Grace Church, you're not going to say, how much money did you give to give them? It's going to be you individually. That's going to stand before the Lord. You say, how do you know that look at 2nd Corinthians, 5:10.

For. We must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ. Now, if Christians, we're going to appear before the Judgment seat of Christ and it's not to see if we're saved. We're already saying we know that, we know we're going to heaven. This is to judge our works to judge our motivation behind what we do. And we'll be giving gifts and rewards. If you die without Christ, you will never stand before the Lord, at the Judgment seat of Christ. You will stand before him at the great white Throne judgment. That's when you will stand before me, if you're not safe. But we must all and he's talkin to Christians appear before the Judgment seat of Christ that each one. You see this individual. Each one may receive the things done in the body. According to what he or she has done where they're good or bad, it's an individual judgment, not going to be standing there with the church. Not going to be standing there with your wife or husband or your child. You see when we stand before. God, we're going to be asked to account for everything, whether rich or poor younger. Or each of us will give a personal accounting. I think about this a church can have a huge budget, it can support missionaries and local Ministries, some Churches even have radio and TV Ministries but it can never go before. God said, look what we are doing. God knows that the organization, doesn't he have individuals do and he wants to know how the individuals are contributing because each person holds responsibility to support the church brother Sammy use ask on Wednesday night about the Past who was filthy rich and he paid and no one gave anything. Because he had so much money, he could do it all. But this right here goes against at that church, is not going to be able to stand up and say, look, look what we did. Lord look how much money we gave look how we served you, I don't care. I won't end of each one of us will stand before Christ at the judgement seat. So everyone individually. You don't have to stand before Christ and give an account of how we handled our finances among all the other things that we've Good or bad. So it is the principle of personal responsibility. Stewardship is a personal responsibility. The Bible's anthesis is always on the individual, not the church. Not the family and not the state. Every person will be asked to give an account and friends. When we stand before the Lord, he's not going to allow us to say, okay, who were your sponsors? Who were your proxies that's going to speak on your behalf, know the Bible, teaches the priesthood of the believer, each one will stand or fall. In the presence of God, I don't need a priest to take care of my soul, if I send, and I do, I don't need to go to a priest somewhere and confess my sin. I can go straight to God and do it. If the individual thing, I don't have a priest, I can't hide behind my priest, or anybody else, there's no claiming that. I don't have to give because I belong to a generous church. God doesn't care about my group activities as much as he cares about my personal responsibilities. Now, think of this and will close. Most churches aren't filled with filthy rich people. Most churches don't have a bunch of millionaires in their midst, who take care and support, everything that a church does. Instead there's committed people who have made a decision to Todd because they understand the principle of Prior consecration, the principle of proper motivation and the principle of personal responsibility. That's why we do it and do some people don't make much. they still understand that they're personally responsible for the little they do Nate cuz I hear people all the time say when, if you don't make much money, you all might have to give no, you just won't give as much as someone who makes a lot of money, but you're still responsible to give for the little money that you do, make still responsible. And they recognized. If they honor God, that God will bless them Malachi. Remember how he going to open up the windows of Heaven? If we will, do just text him and proven, you see God has promised to enable us to do what he has commanded us to do. So here's what we need to do is best we can we need to get with his principles. First thing you need to do is consecrate your life to him. If you've never given your life to the Lord, that's the first step because all the money in the world that you give him while you're not saved. Does you no good whatsoever, that shallow Christianity, what he wants. First and foremost is your life and once you give him your life, then he'll take care of all the other aspects of your life and he'll help you get that in line. So get in line for these principle, the principle of Prior consecration, give your life to him. Have the proper motivation for giving, just think of what he has done for you and you give out of a cheerful joyful thankful grab, grab gratifying, heart. You give with those motivations. And then, you understand that, I'm personally responsible for this, it's not my church. It's not any organs. That is not my family. I'm personally responsible for my giving in friends, We Get Behind These principles here, you'll see the Lord start working in your life. As far as stewardship is concerned. Amen. All right, let's pray. Father, we thank you, and praise. You and love you today. Lord for your word Lord. I pray that you would sink these truths deep down into our hearts. For we know that, when we think of our money Lord, we try to be good stewards, but many times we we buy things that maybe we shouldn't, we, we don't give to your work, as we should help us. To understand these principles Day of Prayer of consecration that I have given my heart to you. You have saved me. You sealed me with your Holy Spirit. You're taking me to heaven. And because of that, out of thankfulness, I hope to give to you, I give you my life and now I give you every aspect of my life, help us to understand the principle. Here Lord a proper motivation. Lord help us to give with a cheerful heart help us to understand what exactly what you've done for us and our life and that we can give joyfully and Lord help us to understand that we are all responsible, no matter how much, or how little we make. We are responsible to be good, stewards of what we have. Lord, we just thank you for everything that you done. I think you for each one that's here today. In Christ name I do pray. Amen.

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